IFRC GIS 2023 Experiences

In the heart of Nairobi, Kenya, the IFRC Global Innovation Summit 2023 was a remarkable gathering of over 300 forward-thinkers, all united by a singular vision: to innovate, inspire change, and advance humanitarian efforts. It was a melting pot of ideas, a crucible of innovation, and an ode to human resilience.

Crafting the Identity of Solferino Voices

Creating the branding for Solferino Voices, a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing stories from Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers, was a purposeful and strategic process. The branding elements – logo, color palette, thumbnails, and the channel name – were thoughtfully designed to reflect the essence of the channel’s mission and connect with its audience.


When Halloween came around in 1960 John F. Kennedy, while campaigning for president, came across a unique trick or treat event. This ghoulish party was not about collecting candy but instead raising money for the UN agency fighting child hunger and disease-UNICEF. This is how we make the most of what is already a lot.

Merry Christmas

New Year’s Eve represents a particularly deadly time to be on the road. The NHTSB reports that the automobile accident fatality rate is five-times above the daily average on New Year’s Eve in the United States.